About Us

The Institute for Local Government Management of South Africa (iLGM) was formally established on 19 January 1997. The iLGM was born out of the erstwhile Institute of Town Clerks of Southern Africa (ITC) and the more recent Institute for Municipal Management (IMM). This was after protracted negotiations between the National Executive Council of the latter body and the National Working Committee representing the interests of the then emerging managers in local government. Other key players in local government also took part in the negotiations, thereby making the process inclusive and extremely consultative.

The negotiations led to an agreement which culminated in the formation of the all inclusive professional body, the iLGM. From the onset the principles of accessibility, democracy, transformation, professionalism and representivity guided the negotiation process. These principles were later enshrined in the constitution of iLGM.


The iLGM aims to be the centre of excellence of local government management in South Africa and Africa.


To promote excellence in local government management through the development and capitation of managers in the sector and through lobbying of stakeholders and advocacy.


Developing and sustaining excellence in local government management


  • The Institute developed a Five Year (2005 – 2010) Strategic Plan with four (4) Strategic Objectives, namely:
  • Develop organisational and institutional capacity of the iLGM;
  • Build the institute as a knowledge resource and development practitioner in local government;
  • Promote capacity building initiatives aimed at enhancing local government management; and
  • Enhance the profile of the organisation amongst its stakeholders through effective communication.


The Institute offers the following BENEFITS to its members:

  • Belongingness
  • Personal growth and development
  • Networking with colleagues and other stakeholders
  • Interactive website with links to other associations such as ICMA, SOLACE, LGMA, SALGA, SOLGM and others
  • Opportunity to contribute to transformation of local government
  • Enhanced service delivery
  • Training and Development
  • International Manager Exchange Programmes, Fellowship Programmes and others
  • Municipal Manager’s Post Graduate Diploma, University of KwaZulu Natal
  • Access to information


  • Please click here for the iLGM Constitution


The Institute offers benefits to Private Sector companies who participate in its Corporate Partnership Programme.

The institute runs a variety of programmes aimed at achieving its strategic objectives. These programmes range from Workshops, Seminars and Conferences to International Manager Exchange Programs. Some of the programs are run in collaboration and co-operation with companies from the Private Sector as well as with the national Department of Provincial and Local Government.


In line with its established principles of accessibility and representivity the Institute has a number of membership categories to attract members from a broad base while maintaining focus on its core business. Set out below are various categories of membership and requirements applicable to each category.

Full Member

To become a full member, it is required that the applicant must occupy a managerial position in a municipality, municipal entity, provincial department of local government or national Department of Provincial and Local Government and possess a three-year post-matric qualification. A full member has full voting rights and can be voted into office.


Any person who is registered for a suitable course at a recognised educational institution. Such a course should be relevant for a managerial or administrative career in local government. The student member has no voting rights but can use the Institute’s facilities and benefit from its training programmes available from time of time.


This membership category is for full members who have rendered exceptional service to the Institute or local governance in general.


Honorary membership is conferred to any person who has rendered exceptional service to the Institute.

Special Category

This membership caters for persons who are not employed in local government, but comply with the requirements of the institute. It also caters for members of professional institutes or organisations outside South Africa, which promote similar objectives to those of the Institute.

The applicable membership fee for all categories is determined by the Institute from time to time.


National Executive Committee (NEC)
The NEC comprises of the President, the Vice-President, the Immediate Past President and representatives from all the nine provinces. The NEC is responsible for the formulation of the Institute’s policy and its general management.

Presidential Co-ordinating Committee (PCC)
The PCC is made up of the President, Vice President and Immediate Past President. The PCC deals with the day-today management of the affairs of the institute.

Provincial Executive Committees (PECs)
The Institute has active branches in all nine provinces. It is at this level where members are encouraged to participate actively, either in the development of policy for the Institute and/or for the purpose of directly dealing with issues affecting local government.